Saturday, 11 December 2010

An unbelievable Christmas present

Happy Holidays! Over the past 2 weeks, every member of the US Congress (and every Governor's office around, and every state and local representative...) has received an unusual seasonal gift.

So what's the gift? A board game called This Way To Jobs. You can play it online, but let me save you a few minutes of your valuable time and tell you how it works.

Game Rules

  • You choose a counter - CEO, Director, Entrepreneur, etc
  • You roll the dice to move around the board - a bit like The Game of Life
  • You start in a Ghost Town - tumbleweed blows across the screen
  • Your goal is to get to Prosperity Park
  • Dodge as many regulations as possible on your way around 
  • If you get a regulation card, you move back 3 spaces, etc
  • Look out for Financial Reform Falls, Labour Lagoon and Energy Edge ... regulation lurks at every bend in the road

Wow. A truly elaborate and creative campaign and targeting the Environmental Protection Agency in particular. Not surprising in itself, but guess who is behind this campaign, so out of tune with contemporary reality? Maverick Republicans? Big Oil? Swiftboat Veterans for Truth? No, the campaign is run by the US Chamber of Commerce itself. I am truly astonished. 

Have a look at some of the cards you can draw :

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