Monday, 14 June 2010

First fall in energy use since 1982

The source is BP's Statistical Review of World Energy. You can read an interesting if cynical critique of this report by Jeremy Leggett in the Financial Times, arguing that the statistics are a cover up and that an 'energy crunch' is upon us.

Relatedly, BP do publish some data about Jeremy's area, solar PV. Solar PV grew nearly 50% in 2009, which is surely good news. But total capacity is still only enough to meet about one twentieth of 1% of global demand for electricity. So Jeremy's article just offers a reminder of how little protection we really have against the energy-crunch scenario.

1 comment:

The UK Carbon Census Ltd said...

A quick note on coal: We previously blogged that coal was the fastest growing fuel in 2009, but our link was pointing to last year's data. So it turns out coal was actually the fastest growing fuel in 2008. Sorry about that, but the point about China still stands: coal use in China grew 10% last year, and accounts for 95% of global growth.