Monday 28 March 2011

ISE and the white goods market

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Open publication - Free publishing - More carbon census

This post is to announce our partnership with ISE Appliances, a nice company that makes very high efficiency, long lasting domestic appliances. Their 1607W washing machine (which I have just installed at home, with great pleasure) is guaranteed for 10 years, and is tested to 8,000 cycles - enough for 20 or 30 years in a domestic setting.

To encourage you to buy from this company, when your current appliances need replacement, we will reimburse you the £50 delivery & installation charge. Carbon Census households only! See further details below.

What we like about ISE Appliances

What we like about ISE is the simple insight they've had: that saving energy through appliances is not just about getting an A rating. That's because for most appliances, the potential saving you can expect in terms of energy cost is only in the order of £10 or £20 a year.

So, the bigger issue which nobody is talking about is how long the machine lasts. When it finally conks out, you'll have to incur the environmental cost of :
  • Manufacturing a new machine 
  • Shipping it to the UK, usually in a container from a long way away
  • Delivering it to your house 
  • Taking away your old machine 
  • Stripping down, recycling or sending the old machine to landfill 
If your machine lasts 20 years instead of 5 years, you save the environmental cost of replacement 3 times over. Or twice over if your machine lasts 7 years, which we think is about the average in the UK these days.

So that's why we think this is a great little company, and why we're happy to send you in their direction with our rebate scheme.

Requirements to qualify for our scheme
  • You must have had a Carbon Census at the address on the invoice 
  • You must buy through the UK White Goods website 
  • Not available in conjunction with other offers (although there are none at the moment, as far as we know) 
I guess that in principle this (like all our offers) is subject to fair use, but we can't think of any ways an offer like this could be used unfairly. If you can think of any, please don't!

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